martes, 16 de mayo de 2017


The meaning of to be a homeless or be houseless sometimes is confusing but we have to remember that homeless are different because that means to people without a home, their social and family structure is broken, and almost always they have problems with society but be houseless Means people without a good condition refuge to live because different factors the lack of money and education, globalization etc., the majority of times homeless can be  houseless, but we can solve this problem, the point is work on the structure Of society: Family, How? We can start to stablish a better communication between the members of the family, and support people on street not directly given them money, we can help given them opportunities to work.

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Fusion (Dirección). (2015). Los Angeles: Homeless Capital of America [Película]. Obtenido de

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

How we can prevent be a homelessness and houselessness?

First able we need to remember the principal difference between this two words, homelessnees is when you don´t have a good connectedness with your family or community even if you have a place to live. And houselessness is when you don´t have a place to live even if you have a family. But how we can help them as society? In the case of homelessness is very important that everybody keep a good relationship with their family based on trust and communication. Nowadays some countries have organizations that contribute with this people helping them find mutually agreeable resolution to avoid conflicts, so people can stay in their homes and this also help to reduce the quantity of homeless in the streets.
Don´t have a safe place to live.

On the other hand before been a houslessness the authorities of a country can help them because they can providing resources and supports to stabilize their housing and avoid end on the streets. Most of the time been a houslessness means that this person lost his/ her job so they don´t have the money to survive. Since my perspective the big companies also can helped them providing a job to stabilize their economy again.
But also we can make the difference, how? helping this people give them a shelter to sleep and pass the night.

Both situation increasing day by day in most of the countries but depend of us how we can help them.

Community Advocates. (2012). Recovered  15/ May/ 2017, available
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness. (2017). The homeless hub. Recovered el 15/ May/2017, available

Causes and consequences

Causes and Consequences 

Homelessness and houselessness is a global issue that happen when people don’t have a house where to live so most of the time they start to live in the street or in a shelter. The causes and consequences of this type of problem are:
Resultado de imagen para causes and consequences of homelessness

  • ·       Inadequate experience of connectedness with family or community.
  • ·       Many homeless adolescents suffer from depression.
  • ·       More likely to consume drugs.
  • ·       People who sleep rough.
  • ·       Rejection
  •        People experience loss of income. They don’t have money to afford their housing cost so they don’t have other option than live in the streets or a shelter.
  •       People that leave prison or the army and don’t have a place or house to go.
  • ·       Women who scape from a violent relationship and the want to hide.
  • ·       Old people who have been kick out from their house. They also are homeless. 
Resultado de imagen para houseless


  • Crisis. (n.d.). About homelessness. Retrieved from
  • School of public health. (2016). Homelessness, Its Consequences, and Its Causes. Retrieved from

Homelessness vs houselessness

Homelessness vs  houselessness

The majority of people think that this words means the same, but this is not true, they define different situations that sadly people affront day by day in this world
lonely and rejected

The national health care for the homeless council say that homeless is “is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation”, and is right, but this word homeless have a deeper mean, if we analyze this word, the most relevant part is home, and what is home? 

Home is not a building or the shelter where you live,
homeless in your own house
home is where live people that you love and they love you, exactly where your heart is, so the term homeless have a bigger connotation than only a person that don’t have a house, is more like an emotional problem, where you feel rejected by everyone, where you feel that you didn’t belong anywhere, for this reason, you can be a homeless even in your house

If we talk about houseless is a more simple definition, is when you don’t have a place for sleep or this place is not secure or healthy for that person, in this case, a houseless have still connection with the society, and frequently they affront this situation with people that love them
Even this terms are different, is possible that you can be a houseless and a homeless at the same time, because you can be living in the streets with the feeling that nobody want you, situation that frequently induce suicide in this kind of people


council, n. h. (2017). What is the official definition of homelessness? Recovered  15 / May / 2017, available in:

lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Can you imagine how is live alone without support, without a roof to protect you, without love?

Just think about it, runaways and throwaways live in that situation, in both cases they have to leave home, but they are young and in the majority of cases they are not prepare so most of them have problems: alcohol, drugs,  steal or prostitution is the way to survive, but they need be helped, they need recovered a stimulus to fix the problem and we as a society can just forget stereotypes and give a hand to those lost teenagers, think in their future and give an opportunity to change their lives and be a strength of society.

RobbyTv (Dirección). (2016). would you help a homeless child [Película]. Obtenido de

What we can do for them…?
Solution for runaway and throwaway
Sometimes you feel alone
The runaways and throwaways is a very important global issue that is increasing day by day, this problems are provocate in the majority of times for violence, drugs, and toxic things that frequently is present in the environment of the teenager, In the United States, National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway and Throwaway Children (NISMART) reports, (Putt, 2014) “The most common endangerment component was physical or sexual abuse at home or fear of abuse upon return.”
So this problem is always increasing, because the teenagers don´t know how to claim for help, or in some sadly situations they didn´t have any the option for do it
We have to see this fact into two point of view, if we talk about the throwaways, the solutions are more achievable, for example, for prevent a throwaway you can try:
•           Search for organizations who help with conflicts between families
•           Try to talk with the parents about the family behavior
•           Prevent bad behavior
•           If at the end, you are throwaway, call to the police or to any childhood organization who could help with your situation
In the case of the runaway, depend of the situation, because some of them runaway with reasons like ¨they have a lot of rules¨ or similar, in this case what we can do is:
•           Talk with the teenager immediately when we notice any kind of change in their behavior
•           Explain them which are the consequences of runaway and in which kind of situations the will be involve
•           Reflect with them, try to make an agreement
But, if the reason of runaway are like (Putt, 2014)  ¨Some parents sexually abuse their children or allow others to do so.  Parents who are consumed by their substance abuse problems may lack the emotional or physical resources to care for their children¨ is not a situation where you can talk with them, so the thing that you have to do is:
•           Call the police

However this is not always possible, because some

you feel invisible
parent who abuse their children’s didn’t let them to have any kind of communication with the outside world, and for this is why they have to runaway, because is not safe for them to continue in this environment, so for this people the only thing that they can do after runaway is:
•           Search for the police office more closely to your house
•           Try to claim for help to your neighbor
And If is the case that you see something weird in your neighborhood you have to talk about that, do not keeps quiet, you can save a life
Together we can fix this problem


Putt, G. (14 de abril de 2014). DECODEDRecovered  1/May/2017, available in: https://www.decodedscience.o


Causes and Consequences 
Runaways and Throwaways is a global issue that affect the society all around the world, this two words have some similarities because both leave their home but what are the causes and the differences?
* They didn´t have good arguments to leave their houses.
*They take the decision and most of the time they prepare everyting that they need.
*In some cases the runaways are involved on drugs, alcoholism, etc.
*Most of them have family problems that involve the violence.
Family Problems 
*They´re forced to leave home.
*They have good arguments before they leave.
*Their parents do not have patience to listen what he/she feel or think.
*Exist some cases that is because their parents divorce so the didn´t want to care the child.
At the same time they can leave home or forces to do because of issues problems like sexual orientation. In other hand both have consequences that have some things in common
For example
*Both are vulnerable to falling in addictions of drugs, alcohol or in women´s cases in the prostitution.
*Both can been in real problems if choose wrong friends.
*They can suffer suicide attempts.
middleearth. (2 de November de 2014). Recuperado el 01 de 05 de 2017, de
Ryan, D. (s.f.). Recuperado el 01 de 05 de 2017, de

Runaways and Throwaways definition

Runaways and Throwaways

Runaway is a persona specially children who leave their house without their paren'ts permission so they scape because they want for many reasons one of them and the most common is that they don't feel comfortable living with their parents so they think that the best solution is to runaway.

                                                     Sometimes they just want to scape

On the other hand, throwaways are the children who are kick out of their house by their parents with no reason so they don't have a place to sleep or food and they start to leave in the streets asking for money or waiting for someone to help them. 

                                                                 They need help

Their most immediate need is survival, simply living out the day in front of them. They have few options that lead to a decent and safe living environment. Their age, lack of work experience, and absence of a high school diploma make it most difficult to find a job. As a result, they turn to other means for survival; runaways and throwaways are most vulnerable to falling prey to the sex trade, selling drugs, or being lured into human trafficking, and some steal or panhandle. 
   They need support


Colby, I. (2011). Runaway and Throwaway Youth: Time for Policy Changes and Public Responsability. Obtenido de: http://digitalcommons.library.tmc.edy/childrenatrisk/vol2/iss1/4/