lunes, 8 de enero de 2018



Resultado de imagen para slumdog movie
Slumdog Millionarie is a movie that show us that doesn´t matter where you're from to reach far and reach your goals. Through Jamal, a child from a poor neighborhood that grows in the streets of Bombay we can watch that as long as one sets out to achieve a goal it can be accomplish. This movie present the story of three kids that had to past a lot of things during all their chilhood that make them a different person with different visions about the life. 
Resultado de imagen para slumdog movieThe first photo presented a part of the life of  Jamal, Latika and Salim when they where kids, here appear another kids that on the story they were with a famous person who took their eyes or other parts of their bodies to bagging money in the streets. Personally, I think that the movie director try to show to all the audience the reality about what some kids have to pass in some poor countries because maybe they were steal or abandoned. Something that I like about this movie is that not only present the good things about one place also the real situation that most of people live there. 

Resultado de imagen para jamal and latika kissAt the end of the movie, Salim kill himself to help and save Latika, who talk with Jamal when he call to her brother to ask the last question of "Who want to be millionarie?" and after Jamal win on the show he finally both met at the train station.

To conclude, this movie let us a message through all the characters that represent the different ways that can be a human. 

Slumdog millionaire

Slumdog millionaire sound bad at first look but this realistic movie based in a book show to the audience how different can be the world while some people are eating breakfast, others are looking on garbage.
Resultado de imagen para slumdog millionaire
The story of two orphan brothers, that get apart symbolize how a human ben can make choices about future, yes not always is simple, but for example we have Salim the oldest brother who has that selfish desire of power and Jamal who even the difficult moments he still respect humanity, they grow up without protection or someone to guide their aspiration, moreover they found they own path Salim found an easy and dangerous way, and with him Latika suffers that choice, as the scenario in this movie in India is difficult for everyone to understand why that happen in that way, well not in all the cultures women right are respect, and in this country that is the case even the population grows economically, not every one has an access to education and that is the biggest barrier between successful and crime, in the other hand is Jamal who represent hope and that no all is lost, maybe he has not money as his brother but he don’t carry with the life of other people, maybe that can be consider as mediocre but put in front his love is better than all superficial desires.
As I see no one has the power to decide where it going to be the family, country, religion or culture but when learn to put apart evil and god all your actions depends on you, maybe physical position show our success but sometimes we have to make some time to reanalyze our life and see if we are happy with all that he have and we are, a hundred dollar is not going to make you laugh as real friend, for that you have to be around people who support you.

For that remember that all little or big things happen for a reason and always learn something new, so all I can say is get out of your comfort zone and explore far away to you limits. 

Slumdog Millionaire

Resultado de imagen para slumdog millionaireSlumdog Millionaire is a 2008 British drama film directed by Danny Boyle, this is the story about Jamal Malik, a boy who live Mumbai that is playing in a Tv Show Game called “Who want to be millionaire?” This movie show us the real life of the poorest places in India, where they live, how they live, and the conditions in which they live. In the movie, we can see how the time goes from past to present and vice versa, at the beginning maybe is confusing but you will be able to difference between those times.

Resultado de imagen para slumdog millionaire
The movie starts with Jamal playing in this Tv Show, and then goes to the past, we have to consider that all the questions that are ask in the game, have to do with Jamal’s childhood. That is why he can answer all the questions rightly. Some stories have to do with her mother, her brother and the love of his life, Latika. Jamal´s childhood wasn´t easy that is why is painful for him to remember his past, for example his mother´s death.

Resultado de imagen para slumdog millionaire
The most important characters of the movie are:                                                   
  • ·       Jamal Malik
  • ·       Salim Malik
  •      Latika
  • ·       Maman
  • ·       Javed
  • ·       Millionaire show producer
  • ·       The officer

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