viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

The pianist: one movie that change our perspective

This movie show us the reality of the Jewish people that lived on the Second World War , the things that they suffer because of the discrimination received. 
Jewish´s Destruction 
The pianist is very recognized because try to show to the public the reality even when this was really hard, as we know this one present most of the deads that happend in that situation, the battle between Germans agaisnt British, etc. 

Also her we can notice the wickedness through the Germans when treat Jewish badly and British characters when make the battle between their and the Germans.

Since my perspective, the aim of the author is change the perspective of all the readers through a cruel but real history that present us what really happen on the Second World War, the two sides: the richest one and the poorest and how most of the time the richest do something agaisnt the others like cheating or stole their few money.
Wladek Szpilman (The pianist)

Cruel reality 
Finally, this movie is one of the most amazing because present both sides, Jewish life and how the Germans destroy everyting that they had. Also in a moral way, this movie let us a lesson that even if you are rich or poor , black or white skin, or have a different beliefs we are the same and all of us need respect each other because nobody in the world is better than other. 

-Kate Campuzano Ortiz (2017)



World War II

World war II is far away the most violent age on human history, not just because of the uncountable deaths, involves changes in the behavior of people around the world, maybe the most affected was Polish population, because the first attack was there.
the beginning of this bloody war was at 5 o’clock on 1st September 1939, with Adolf Hitler as a leader of a political party in German NAZIs with the promise to come back the nationalism and patriotism but in the pad, he inspired hate to other raze, as we can see in the amazing movie “The pianist” who show as how Jews was treat and the development of the war little by little, however everyone knows about the war but they forgive the fact to promoted in first place.
  • -       The Treaty of Versailles: the principal founder of hate in Germans hearts, after this treaty they suffer, damage in their society, the economy collapse, they lose territory, and the government helpless to recover, for that Hitler was a kind of savior in this situation.

Moreover, there were two groups that fought, to win the war
  • Allies: UNITED STATES, USSR, CANADA, ENGLAND, among others that will supply provisions like Argentina
  • Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

And then after a lot of damage in the territory and approximately 73 Million of people, the war end because the Allies dived German and capture Nazis.


. How The Treaty of Versailles Caused WWII. Obtenido de
CrashCourse. (11 de Octubre de 2012). World War II: Crash Course World History #38. Obtenido de

History, S. w. (2017). Second worl war History. Obtenido de

The pianist: A movie that represents the Second World War.

Resultado de imagen para the pianist second world war
Resultado de imagen para the pianist second world warThe pianist is a movie directed by Roman Polanski. He was in the Second World War at the age of 8 years old, his parents were moved to a Natzi concentration camp leaving him alone to survive in that war. That is way he wanted to create this movie, to show his experience to the people and demostrate the truth and the life that they had, also the way that Germans mistreat Jewish just because they had other realigion.   

The Movie, the pianist, represents The Holocaust, the real world in the past especially in countries like Poland, which is the main place for the world, because Germans encroach Poland and starts discriminate Jewish people, making fun of them and also Germans didn´t let them walk in the street.

Imagen relacionada

The invasion started because Germans thought that they were the only ones with pure race that is why they put armbands with David’s star so they can recognized Jewish, and also Germans moved them to a ghetto to be separated.


Firstable, let us talk about the movie.

The Pianist.

The pianist is a movie directed by Roman Polansky published on 2002, this movie is based on a 1946 memoir of Szpilman by the writer Jerzy Waldorff, who first met the musician and composer in 1938. The book and film recount how Szpilman used his music to survive Poland’s brutal occupation by the Nazis in the second world war, including the concentration camps, the 1943 razing of the ghetto and the 1944 Warsaw uprising.

This work didn’t tell only the story about the main character Wladyslaw Szpilman, and is what makes it special, because shows that the second world war affected since the poorest to the richest, since the weakness ones to the strongest ones, with out doubts between your lovely family to the man who is begging on streets

This movie, winner of three Oscars, was and is still so popular because of how it show the reality, didn’t use any kind of tool for hide information, it show what really happened in those days and how the man is able to do anything for try to achieve the goal of survive, even if at the end of the day  that person will be the only one for tell the story


Henley, J. (1/ August/2016). The guardian. Recovered on October/2017, of