viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

The pianist: one movie that change our perspective

This movie show us the reality of the Jewish people that lived on the Second World War , the things that they suffer because of the discrimination received. 
Jewish´s Destruction 
The pianist is very recognized because try to show to the public the reality even when this was really hard, as we know this one present most of the deads that happend in that situation, the battle between Germans agaisnt British, etc. 

Also her we can notice the wickedness through the Germans when treat Jewish badly and British characters when make the battle between their and the Germans.

Since my perspective, the aim of the author is change the perspective of all the readers through a cruel but real history that present us what really happen on the Second World War, the two sides: the richest one and the poorest and how most of the time the richest do something agaisnt the others like cheating or stole their few money.
Wladek Szpilman (The pianist)

Cruel reality 
Finally, this movie is one of the most amazing because present both sides, Jewish life and how the Germans destroy everyting that they had. Also in a moral way, this movie let us a lesson that even if you are rich or poor , black or white skin, or have a different beliefs we are the same and all of us need respect each other because nobody in the world is better than other. 

-Kate Campuzano Ortiz (2017)



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