martes, 4 de julio de 2017

But…are real problems?

the world is not only our neighborhood
In our society, the vanity increase day by day, the human always want to have the best in all the situations, even if this will hurt someone or even if their needs are nothing if we compare with the rest of the world
And this is exactly what is happening nowadays, where for some people a very huge problem is the velocity of the wifi
We are living in an age where the development of the technology is faster than ever, the “first world” try to improve in every single moment their skills for keep his position, and they claim that because that big effort they are the owners of the terribles “first world problems”, that in the majority of cases they take in a very serious way, we can call some of them right now
I don’t have the blue dress that I saw only in that specific shop!
My wifi is so slow!
The TV programs are so boring…
I hate that mom always cook onions!
I got the iphone 7 instead the iphone 7 plus…I hate my parents!!!
And the list don’t end here, this kind of phrases are common in first world countries and the society try to fix it, but…are real problems? Is a real problem that you don’t have the new cellphone when in some countries they don’t have even electricity? Is fair that you scream to your mom when she cooks vegetables when a big quantity of people doesn’t have something to eat? Is not selfish if we only focus in our meter quarter land around us and suffer for silly problems while we don’t know what is happening with the rest of people?
Yes, is selfish, “the first world problems” are not real problems, but sadly we have real ones in Africa, India, Lationamerica, Israel and more countries that are fighting to survive, with starvations, with illnesses, without any kind of education, with out any kind of help
So instead of suffer by our silly problems, why we don’t try to know more about which are the real problems, and with this someday, with the strength and help of our nation, finally solve them
with the hope and desire of reach a better world

References: firs world problems anthem (2012). Recovered (4/07/17) Available in:

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