martes, 4 de julio de 2017

What are first world problems?

Nowadays, teenegers have a lot of situations that they consider problems, but, What are those problems? A first world problem is a minor situation that has all the teenegers in developing countries like United States,  because they complain about stuff that don´t make sense, or are not important for the society, as you know we have more relevants problems in this world. Also, first world problems is about when you already have a substantial amount of what you need, yet you complain about the quality and the type you want.

For example:

  • My computer at work still uses IE6
  • When my dishwasher is running, I have to turn the volume on the TV up loud
  • My fridge is so full I have to reach way back.
  • My sport car doesn't have an audio jack.
  • I can never find the right lid for my Tupperwear.
  • I have iPhone 7 but I want the iPhone 8s
  • There is a garbage on my desk but the garbage can is full. 

  • Dickens, D. (2011). 15 Examples Of First World Problems. Available in:
  • Urban Dictionary. (2014). First world problems. Available in:

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