miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017

San Valentin, is really what everybody thinks?

the photo is what really matters
If you ask to someone in the street what means valentine probably he will answer you that is a day when you express how much you love to your couple, friends or similar, because that is the objective right? But what is really happening nowadays is what happened with Christmas, the purpose is not only love, is how you express it, and today a letter is not enough, or that is what the big enterprises that win a lot of money for this holiday says, you have to give the most expensive present that you find that day, with the hope of fix with material things all the love that you never give her during all the year, and why not? Take a picture for Instagram for prove how you love each other’s, while in the rest of the day you and your lover almost talk
That is what Valentin day’s produce in our society, the need of only show our love in that day, instead of do this all the year, and if we talk about a more important consequences the fact that this holiday become more for couples, produce that the number of couples that decide to have sex, this frequently because they think that they have to do it, and for consequences the number of pregnancy and sexual illnesses increase too

San valentin is only chocolates and flowers? 
No dear.


Valentine's day is not what you think (12/feb/17) Recovered (26/jul/17) available in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UT0GFTaSho

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