jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017

Forrest Gump

Resultado de imagen para life is like a box of chocolates meaningLet’s talk about of Forrest Gump maybe a simple movie but with a powerful message of living, maybe you are wondering about your future and how you can break through that fat wall of reality and of course include problems, disappointments, and uncountable decision that you must choose.

However in the movie you can see a man who has been in a lot of real bad situation as a war, but the important thing is his perspective, maybe he didn’t have developed mental abilities, furthermore that make him special because he see the world as an easy task, when all you need is follow the rules and be kind, so even the worst moment like suffer bullying in school, been in Vietnam war and looses his best friend at the same time, he just rescue the better, and take the good things apart, he ignores the evil in people and that is the principal reason of his success, in the movie there are conflicts character, since his mother who is not a piece of chocolate as Forrest think, she take any advantage to generate money and represent how the human desire of riches isn’t important as a life, because for her the most important thig is her son Forest, also Bubba and lieutenant Dan  are a representation of the power of dreams and in the path that as persons we have to take there are difficulties and not always we can achieve those dreams, for example Bubba died in the movie and his dreams over with his last breath, and Lieutenant Dan survive because Forrest and his dreams of die with honor as his ascendance never happens, in both cases dreams come over but there is always another alternative, to cross forward and be productive, in the other hand is Jenny who is the most gorgeous woman for Forrest eyes, but he ignores all the bad thing she do, she is the result of a life of bad choices but even for her there is a happy ended with a child next to Forrest, and that is a clever idea to show the audience of how life is a cycle and even your parents were wrong you can get up and be better.

Finally, I can say that you have to forget the idea that you can have the control of your entire life, maybe you have a beautiful plan but that not always happen in the way you want, but is important to continue living a play along, because there will always see a new tomorrow.
And don’t forget
life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you gonna get

-          Mrs. Gump 
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Thought. (14 de Agosto de 2014). Forrest Gump: EXPLAINED. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXZTixTX83o
Zemeckis, R. (Dirección). (1994). Forrest Gump [Película].

Forrest Gump: The movie

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Forrest Gump 


Forrest Gump is a movie directed by Robert Zemeckis published on 1994 that show us the life of a men who has a mental disability but even that he never give up and always think in a positive way. In this movie we are able to watch different relevant topics about the history like the war of Vietnam, in which we can notice that the principal character, Forrest Gump, be part of this event. Also he was one of the soldier that safe five friends that were injured by the bullets, something that demostrate the big heart that he has. In addition, in one scene Forrest is dancing while Elvis plays the guitar, and this one is struck by the peculiar dance performed by the child so he start dancing in his videos in the same way as Forrest did. 
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Forrest`s dance
As I mention before some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States, specifically the period between Forrest's birth in 1944 and 1982 appear on the movie in order to give us a general ideo of what was the sittuation in this time. 

The most important character of this movie are: 
  • Jenny
  • Bubba
  • Forrest`s Mom
  • Lieutenant Dan Taylor. 

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Jenny and Forrest 
This film is one of the best because show us how we have to be and that no matter what happend to us we always need to be happy and look the good side of the things. Like Gump that even when his best friend, Bubba, Jenny and his mon died, he always try to be a good man 

The most significant aspects of this movie are:
§                         *Won the Oscar for Best Movie
§                *The park bench in which Forrest Gump sits for much of the film was removed and placed in a museum to prevent it from being destroyed by the weather or stolen.
§                        *   Was based on the novel of Winstom Groom 
Forrest Gump Trailer

Bibliography: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPIEn0M8su0

-Kate Campuzano 

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2017

The pianist: one movie that change our perspective

This movie show us the reality of the Jewish people that lived on the Second World War , the things that they suffer because of the discrimination received. 
Jewish´s Destruction 
The pianist is very recognized because try to show to the public the reality even when this was really hard, as we know this one present most of the deads that happend in that situation, the battle between Germans agaisnt British, etc. 

Also her we can notice the wickedness through the Germans when treat Jewish badly and British characters when make the battle between their and the Germans.

Since my perspective, the aim of the author is change the perspective of all the readers through a cruel but real history that present us what really happen on the Second World War, the two sides: the richest one and the poorest and how most of the time the richest do something agaisnt the others like cheating or stole their few money.
Wladek Szpilman (The pianist)

Cruel reality 
Finally, this movie is one of the most amazing because present both sides, Jewish life and how the Germans destroy everyting that they had. Also in a moral way, this movie let us a lesson that even if you are rich or poor , black or white skin, or have a different beliefs we are the same and all of us need respect each other because nobody in the world is better than other. 

-Kate Campuzano Ortiz (2017)



World War II

World war II is far away the most violent age on human history, not just because of the uncountable deaths, involves changes in the behavior of people around the world, maybe the most affected was Polish population, because the first attack was there.
the beginning of this bloody war was at 5 o’clock on 1st September 1939, with Adolf Hitler as a leader of a political party in German NAZIs with the promise to come back the nationalism and patriotism but in the pad, he inspired hate to other raze, as we can see in the amazing movie “The pianist” who show as how Jews was treat and the development of the war little by little, however everyone knows about the war but they forgive the fact to promoted in first place.
  • -       The Treaty of Versailles: the principal founder of hate in Germans hearts, after this treaty they suffer, damage in their society, the economy collapse, they lose territory, and the government helpless to recover, for that Hitler was a kind of savior in this situation.

Moreover, there were two groups that fought, to win the war
  • Allies: UNITED STATES, USSR, CANADA, ENGLAND, among others that will supply provisions like Argentina
  • Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

And then after a lot of damage in the territory and approximately 73 Million of people, the war end because the Allies dived German and capture Nazis.



. How The Treaty of Versailles Caused WWII. Obtenido de http://chapman2014.weebly.com/leading-to-world-war-ii.html
CrashCourse. (11 de Octubre de 2012). World War II: Crash Course World History #38. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q78COTwT7nE

History, S. w. (2017). Second worl war History. Obtenido de https://www.secondworldwarhistory.com/world-war-2-statistics.asp

The pianist: A movie that represents the Second World War.

Resultado de imagen para the pianist second world war
Resultado de imagen para the pianist second world warThe pianist is a movie directed by Roman Polanski. He was in the Second World War at the age of 8 years old, his parents were moved to a Natzi concentration camp leaving him alone to survive in that war. That is way he wanted to create this movie, to show his experience to the people and demostrate the truth and the life that they had, also the way that Germans mistreat Jewish just because they had other realigion.   

The Movie, the pianist, represents The Holocaust, the real world in the past especially in countries like Poland, which is the main place for the world, because Germans encroach Poland and starts discriminate Jewish people, making fun of them and also Germans didn´t let them walk in the street.

Imagen relacionada

The invasion started because Germans thought that they were the only ones with pure race that is why they put armbands with David’s star so they can recognized Jewish, and also Germans moved them to a ghetto to be separated.

  • http://filmparadigma.blogspot.com/2015/10/pianista-el-pianist-de-roman-polanski.html
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vb9c1NxGdg

Firstable, let us talk about the movie.

The Pianist.

The pianist is a movie directed by Roman Polansky published on 2002, this movie is based on a 1946 memoir of Szpilman by the writer Jerzy Waldorff, who first met the musician and composer in 1938. The book and film recount how Szpilman used his music to survive Poland’s brutal occupation by the Nazis in the second world war, including the concentration camps, the 1943 razing of the ghetto and the 1944 Warsaw uprising.

This work didn’t tell only the story about the main character Wladyslaw Szpilman, and is what makes it special, because shows that the second world war affected since the poorest to the richest, since the weakness ones to the strongest ones, with out doubts between your lovely family to the man who is begging on streets

This movie, winner of three Oscars, was and is still so popular because of how it show the reality, didn’t use any kind of tool for hide information, it show what really happened in those days and how the man is able to do anything for try to achieve the goal of survive, even if at the end of the day  that person will be the only one for tell the story


Henley, J. (1/ August/2016). The guardian. Recovered on October/2017, of https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/aug/01/family-of-man-who-inspired-the-pianist-film-win-defamation-appeal
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFwGqLa_oAo

miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017


Business Day

Finally we can say that Sant Valentine´s Day more than a special day for celebrate the love and the friendship, nowadays is a business because as the time pass people belive that is better give expensive gifts than something short but with an especial feeling.
Also we can notice that some countries didn´t celebrate Sant Valentine´s Day like Italy and Germany but it is because the have anothers perspective and for them is not too neccesary to have a specific day to pass with the person that they really love.
In the other hand other countries most of time in this day they care about what they´re going to receive or what the other person is going to need but what about the time that they have to pass in this day? That is what I am talking about, people believe that is better a gift than pass all the day with you special couple or friends.
Society need to remember what is most important and leave aside to think about thw benefits that they could have in this day.
Typical Gifts

The real Sant Valentine´s 

Source: Bet You Didn't Know: Valentine's Day. (14/Feb/2014). Recovered (26/July/2017) avaliable in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neb7dbPW0Sk

San Valentin, is really what everybody thinks?

the photo is what really matters
If you ask to someone in the street what means valentine probably he will answer you that is a day when you express how much you love to your couple, friends or similar, because that is the objective right? But what is really happening nowadays is what happened with Christmas, the purpose is not only love, is how you express it, and today a letter is not enough, or that is what the big enterprises that win a lot of money for this holiday says, you have to give the most expensive present that you find that day, with the hope of fix with material things all the love that you never give her during all the year, and why not? Take a picture for Instagram for prove how you love each other’s, while in the rest of the day you and your lover almost talk
That is what Valentin day’s produce in our society, the need of only show our love in that day, instead of do this all the year, and if we talk about a more important consequences the fact that this holiday become more for couples, produce that the number of couples that decide to have sex, this frequently because they think that they have to do it, and for consequences the number of pregnancy and sexual illnesses increase too

San valentin is only chocolates and flowers? 
No dear.


Valentine's day is not what you think (12/feb/17) Recovered (26/jul/17) available in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UT0GFTaSho

St. Valentine's Day

What is St. Valentine's Day?

Resultado de imagen para st valentine's day ideasBut, on the other hand, over the year Valentine's day has become a business day because nowdays people see it like an obligation to give something or show their love, but, people have to know that they can demostrate their love whenever  and wherever they want because is not neccesary that a day stablish that.
Resultado de imagen para valentine's day cardsWe celebrate St. Valentine's Day in February 14th  every year, this day is special for a lot of people all around the world, because is the day where they can demostrate their love to the family, friends and couple because as we know Valentine's Day is not only a day to celebrate just with your couple. In this day, a lot of people show their affection by giving chocolates, roses or any flower, cards, balloons, or something to demostrate their feelings to the people they care about.
Also, there are some countries that don't celebrate this day such as Sweden, Italy, Pakistan, etc. because has been banned by the government.


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAkJPRLWVqU

Cultural Diversity

Saint valentine’s day is celebrating around the world and principally represent love between people, usually they spend the day with the person that they love in addition there a lot of symbols of Saint Valentine’s Day, like send cards or give red flowers to the person that you appreciate, but even in the same day different cultures have a different way to celebrate because they adapted this day to their own culture:
For example:
  • In America is normal give to any person cards, can be to your teacher even you can send one for your pet
  • In Japan, just the girls prepare special chocolates or presents to boys, but boys can be able to do it in March 14th
  • In Finland, they put more emphasis in friendship and give small gifts or cards.
  •  In China, they called the “double seventh festival” or “young girls festival” on the seventh day of the seventh Chinese lunar month of Chinese calendar, before the tradition was carving fruits in different shape like some animals.
  • In south Africa, is common to women carry the name of the male that they are interested.

Even those differences, February 14th , represent a day to show humanity and how around the world, people are interested in give love to familiars, friends or they couple.
Imagen relacionada
Love arround the world


CreepsMcpasta. (16 de February de 2016). 5 Interesting Valentines Traditions From Around The World! Obtenido de 5 Interesting Valentines Traditions From Around The World!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEqJlp34-6Y
Howcast. (22 de March de 2011). How People around the World Celebrate Valentine's Day. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk-F86cuj9w
Rolling, J. (9 de February de 2016). Valentine's Day traditions around the world. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWX3JkRg6D4

martes, 4 de julio de 2017


Since our perspective the sense of our life change, is in that moment when the style of life is totally different and necessities changes according the place where you live, in this case first world countries have a development society in technology, every day new trends come out, for that their viewpoints are focus in improve their life,  that’s why citizens of development countries have problems that are not a real issue if you compare with a third world country, where the system of production is totally different moreover feelings and the way of think of people is dissimilar, while a children of united states doesn’t want eat the same twice in the week another in Somalia doesn’t have anything to eat or water to drink, nevertheless is necessary see beyond our life and think in others that not have the same chances to get an education or access to principal services, for that is necessary to take advantage of opportunities and work not only for us also our country Ecuador and for people in poverty.


Singh, L. (Dirección). (2017). First World Problems Vs. Real World Solutions (ft. Bill Gates) [Película]. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hcHrGALInA

But…are real problems?

the world is not only our neighborhood
In our society, the vanity increase day by day, the human always want to have the best in all the situations, even if this will hurt someone or even if their needs are nothing if we compare with the rest of the world
And this is exactly what is happening nowadays, where for some people a very huge problem is the velocity of the wifi
We are living in an age where the development of the technology is faster than ever, the “first world” try to improve in every single moment their skills for keep his position, and they claim that because that big effort they are the owners of the terribles “first world problems”, that in the majority of cases they take in a very serious way, we can call some of them right now
I don’t have the blue dress that I saw only in that specific shop!
My wifi is so slow!
The TV programs are so boring…
I hate that mom always cook onions!
I got the iphone 7 instead the iphone 7 plus…I hate my parents!!!
And the list don’t end here, this kind of phrases are common in first world countries and the society try to fix it, but…are real problems? Is a real problem that you don’t have the new cellphone when in some countries they don’t have even electricity? Is fair that you scream to your mom when she cooks vegetables when a big quantity of people doesn’t have something to eat? Is not selfish if we only focus in our meter quarter land around us and suffer for silly problems while we don’t know what is happening with the rest of people?
Yes, is selfish, “the first world problems” are not real problems, but sadly we have real ones in Africa, India, Lationamerica, Israel and more countries that are fighting to survive, with starvations, with illnesses, without any kind of education, with out any kind of help
So instead of suffer by our silly problems, why we don’t try to know more about which are the real problems, and with this someday, with the strength and help of our nation, finally solve them
with the hope and desire of reach a better world

References: firs world problems anthem (2012). Recovered (4/07/17) Available in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxyhfiCO_XQ

What are first world problems?

Nowadays, teenegers have a lot of situations that they consider problems, but, What are those problems? A first world problem is a minor situation that has all the teenegers in developing countries like United States,  because they complain about stuff that don´t make sense, or are not important for the society, as you know we have more relevants problems in this world. Also, first world problems is about when you already have a substantial amount of what you need, yet you complain about the quality and the type you want.

For example:

  • My computer at work still uses IE6
  • When my dishwasher is running, I have to turn the volume on the TV up loud
  • My fridge is so full I have to reach way back.
  • My sport car doesn't have an audio jack.
  • I can never find the right lid for my Tupperwear.
  • I have iPhone 7 but I want the iPhone 8s
  • There is a garbage on my desk but the garbage can is full. 

  • Dickens, D. (2011). 15 Examples Of First World Problems. Available in: https://www.buzzfeed.com/donnad/15-examples-of-first-world-problems?utm_term=.fvEdJBY69#.plx7KgWq4
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zUjSHL_Fks
  • Urban Dictionary. (2014). First world problems. Available in: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=First%20World%20Problems

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017


The meaning of to be a homeless or be houseless sometimes is confusing but we have to remember that homeless are different because that means to people without a home, their social and family structure is broken, and almost always they have problems with society but be houseless Means people without a good condition refuge to live because different factors the lack of money and education, globalization etc., the majority of times homeless can be  houseless, but we can solve this problem, the point is work on the structure Of society: Family, How? We can start to stablish a better communication between the members of the family, and support people on street not directly given them money, we can help given them opportunities to work.

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Fusion (Dirección). (2015). Los Angeles: Homeless Capital of America [Película]. Obtenido de https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agMJtRgTS9M

lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

How we can prevent be a homelessness and houselessness?

First able we need to remember the principal difference between this two words, homelessnees is when you don´t have a good connectedness with your family or community even if you have a place to live. And houselessness is when you don´t have a place to live even if you have a family. But how we can help them as society? In the case of homelessness is very important that everybody keep a good relationship with their family based on trust and communication. Nowadays some countries have organizations that contribute with this people helping them find mutually agreeable resolution to avoid conflicts, so people can stay in their homes and this also help to reduce the quantity of homeless in the streets.
Don´t have a safe place to live.

On the other hand before been a houslessness the authorities of a country can help them because they can providing resources and supports to stabilize their housing and avoid end on the streets. Most of the time been a houslessness means that this person lost his/ her job so they don´t have the money to survive. Since my perspective the big companies also can helped them providing a job to stabilize their economy again.
But also we can make the difference, how? helping this people give them a shelter to sleep and pass the night.

Both situation increasing day by day in most of the countries but depend of us how we can help them.

Community Advocates. (2012). Recovered  15/ May/ 2017, available http://communityadvocates.net/how/homelessness/
Canadian Observatory on Homelessness. (2017). The homeless hub. Recovered el 15/ May/2017, available http://homelesshub.ca/solutions/prevention

Causes and consequences

Causes and Consequences 

Homelessness and houselessness is a global issue that happen when people don’t have a house where to live so most of the time they start to live in the street or in a shelter. The causes and consequences of this type of problem are:
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  • ·       Inadequate experience of connectedness with family or community.
  • ·       Many homeless adolescents suffer from depression.
  • ·       More likely to consume drugs.
  • ·       People who sleep rough.
  • ·       Rejection
  •        People experience loss of income. They don’t have money to afford their housing cost so they don’t have other option than live in the streets or a shelter.
  •       People that leave prison or the army and don’t have a place or house to go.
  • ·       Women who scape from a violent relationship and the want to hide.
  • ·       Old people who have been kick out from their house. They also are homeless. 
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  • Crisis. (n.d.). About homelessness. Retrieved from https://www.crisis.org.uk/ending-homelessness/about-homelessness/
  • School of public health. (2016). Homelessness, Its Consequences, and Its Causes. Retrieved from https://www.bu.edu/sph/2016/02/28/homelessness-its-consequences-and-its-causes/

Homelessness vs houselessness

Homelessness vs  houselessness

The majority of people think that this words means the same, but this is not true, they define different situations that sadly people affront day by day in this world
lonely and rejected

The national health care for the homeless council say that homeless is “is an individual without permanent housing who may live on the streets; stay in a shelter, mission, single room occupancy facilities, abandoned building or vehicle; or in any other unstable or non-permanent situation”, and is right, but this word homeless have a deeper mean, if we analyze this word, the most relevant part is home, and what is home? 

Home is not a building or the shelter where you live,
homeless in your own house
home is where live people that you love and they love you, exactly where your heart is, so the term homeless have a bigger connotation than only a person that don’t have a house, is more like an emotional problem, where you feel rejected by everyone, where you feel that you didn’t belong anywhere, for this reason, you can be a homeless even in your house

If we talk about houseless is a more simple definition, is when you don’t have a place for sleep or this place is not secure or healthy for that person, in this case, a houseless have still connection with the society, and frequently they affront this situation with people that love them
Even this terms are different, is possible that you can be a houseless and a homeless at the same time, because you can be living in the streets with the feeling that nobody want you, situation that frequently induce suicide in this kind of people


council, n. h. (2017). What is the official definition of homelessness? Recovered  15 / May / 2017, available in: https://www.nhchc.org/faq/official-definition-homelessness/